

Step {{$index + 1}}: {{itemAttribute.Description}} ({{vm.selectedItemOptions[itemAttribute.AttributeID].AttributeValue.Description}})


{{ '{0} should be at least {1} characters'.replace('{0}', itemAttribute.Description).replace('{1}', itemAttribute.MinLength) }} {{ '{0} can be at most {1} characters'.replace('{0}', itemAttribute.Description).replace('{1}', itemAttribute.MaxLength) }} {{ '{0} must be between {1} and {2}'.replace('{0}', itemAttribute.Description).replace('{1}', itemAttribute.MinLength ? itemAttribute.MinLength : 0).replace('{2}', itemAttribute.MaxLength) }} {{ '{0} contains too many decimals'.replace('{0}', itemAttribute.Description) }} Option is required
It is mandatory to make a choice
Option is required

{{item.ItemVariations[0].TitleX.length > 0 ? item.ItemVariations[0].TitleX : ItemVariationX}}:
{{item.ItemVariations[0].TitleX.length > 0 ? item.ItemVariations[0].TitleX : ItemVariationX}}:
{{variation.DescriptionX}} {{variation.DescriptionX}} {{variation.DescriptionX}}
{{item.ItemVariations[0].TitleY.length > 0 ? item.ItemVariations[0].TitleY : ItemVariationY}}:
{{item.ItemVariations[0].TitleY.length > 0 ? item.ItemVariations[0].TitleY : ItemVariationY}}:
{{variation.DescriptionY}} {{variation.DescriptionY}} {{variation.DescriptionY}}
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EAN code
{{item.ItemVariation.EANCode ? item.ItemVariation.EANCode : item.EANCode}}
VAT percentage
Item courier code
Price unit
{{item.UOM}} {{item.UOMType.Description}}
Pack size

Product description

Deze 14-liter professionele carter vacuümpomp zorgt voor een snelle en schone verwijdering van carterolie zonder morsen. Dankzij de royale capaciteit kan de olie in één keer worden opgevangen, en de pomp stopt automatisch wanneer de maximale inhoud is bereikt. Ideaal voor maritiem gebruik en onderhoud aan grotere motoren.
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